Though it might be too simple for that lavish wedding-and (surely is) compared to Lady Diana's wedding dress, I thought that the dress suited her well. Classic. Safe. Royal. Well, thought it was all about the face, hahaha. You can't go wrong with that kind of face. She is beautiful, isn't she? Kind of modern beauty.

Kate Middleton as new part of British royals won't forget to put four magic spells of classic wedding to her wedding dress as it "something new, something borrowed, something old, and something blue." Her "new" is acorn-shaped-diamond earrings from her parents. "Borrowed" is her Cartier "halo" tiara from the Queen. "Old" is the technique that the designer used on her wedding dress. And the "blue" is few blue ribbons sewed to her dress.
But hey, I don't like her bouquet. That was too small. It was just-i thought she should balanced her skinny figure with a long flowing flower bouquet. Well, that was just my opinion. :D

In the end, the dress and the news that she did the make up by herself and all facts around her really sent the whole messages. That she could get what she wanted, she wanted it to be simple -though she could have anything, hey look at who she's marrying to-, so she let it be. It was the ceremony and celebration of their love, after all.
I kept smiling when I saw them whispered before the ceremony, giggled and blushed and others. To know that William said, "You look beautiful," to Kate, wow, that was so sweet. Romantic. Hey, your husband-to-be in about few minutes told you that you're beautiful? I wanna have that blush all over my cheeks like Kate's.

To hear something classic just get me alarmed. I love royals, I love things related to history, I love tiaras. Yes, that wedding has it all, and I felt happiness overflowed during that wedding.

Good night.
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