Friday, April 4, 2014


Dalam kurun waktu setahun ini Allah mengabulkan doa-doa ku satu per satu secara nyata. Begitu berdekatan waktunya hingga gak mungkin gak kerasa. Dari doa supaya suami bisa keluar dari Bontang. Minta diberikan kesehatan dan kemudahan dan kelancaran selama hamil. Supaya bisa melahirkan dengan mudah, cepat, dan nyaman. Baby lahir dengan sehat. Doa agar bisa pindah ke Jawa, homebase di Jawa dan alhamdulillah diberikan mutasi ke Jakarta berkaitan dengan open recruitment. Dan yang paling akhir ini doa agar suami juga dipindahkan ke Jakarta. Alhamdulillah terkabul semua. Semakin dekat dengan keinginan agar bisa segera tinggal serumah bertiga. Aamin.

Dosa namanya kalo sampe sekarang masih nggak bersyukur. Allah selalu memberi yang terbaik, saat apa yang kita inginkan telah dikabulkan, berarti itu adalah yang terbaik menurut Allah. Memang masih ada permintaa-permintaan yang belum dikabulkan, tapi percaya aja, semua ada waktunya.

Untuk saat ini, yang ada sekarang adalah yang terbaik. :')

Monday, March 31, 2014

Balikpapan. Atas 4 tahun yang menyenangkan.

Salah satu alasan yang membuat kita mencintai suatu tempat adalah orang-orangnya. Seberapa pun jauhnya dari Semarang, Balikpapan adalah rumah juga untukku selama lebih dari 4 tahun, dan itu nggak terlepas dari keluarga kedua yang kumiliki: teman-teman.

Bahkan seandainya bisa tinggal sama suami disana, udah kepikiran aja buat beli rumah dan menetap di Balikpapan. Sempet muter liat-liat rumah juga. Selain kotanya nyaman, suasana kantor juga bikin nyaman karena banyak temen yang nyambung.

Memang ya, kunci biar bisa betah, apalagi hidup sendiri, gak bareng orangtua, sodara, suami ya punya banyak temen. And to clarify, i decided to left Balikpapan just because i feared that i could got moved out to another city that didnt as wonderful as Balikpapan. And that means i would separated further from my husband in Tarakan. So i thought i'd better took any opportunities available to get me back to Java.

Maybe this would be my proper good bye to make it immortal. To always remind me that i once had a wonderful life in Balikpapan because of my friends. Thank you very much.

Last Friday there were news that most of my friends remained in Balikpapan gotta move to another cities. Further from Balikpapan, even from their own families. So long, my friends. All the best of luck for you, my family.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On Indonesia's (specifically: Jakarta's) mass transportation.

1. Trust the kenek. Kalo dia bilang masih muat, trust him. Go inside that bus. Sepenuh apapun sampe semacam pindang kayak apapun kalo dia bilang muat pasti muat.

2. No need to queue. Your kind heart and your idealism and your good intention will hurt.

3. You better have your breasfast before catching your morning bus. Unless you want gladly pass out inside the bus.

4. Put your bag in front of your body. You just don't want to blame yourself for being careless and become phone-less after that.

5. No need to wear mask. Unless you were sick. We're not in Japan.

6. Sad but true, you better bring a shirt to change after you reach your destination. Too many smell will stick in your clothes. You just don't know if it's a bad one.

4. Some people just don't understand that some ways isn't for them. That people enjoyed some education as well. And have money that they choose not to throw themselves into mass transportation.

5. That makes what so called "bus way" not only for bus.

6. So thank you for making us don't get what government said about value time of money by using mass transportation. And what they said about helping reduce traffic.

7. It's healthy, you know, talking a walk from one shelter to another. I don't complain.

8. Don't they even realize that helping the bus way sterile > the bus can go faster > passengers are happy for not being late -and for not being a fish in a fishnet for too long- > a lot of people choose the bus instead of using their own car/motorcycle because it's clearly faster and traffic-free > voila! traffic' s reduced.

9. Oh i think we all know. We're just not ready to be part of that kind of society. Yet.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Penting banget gadget lo?

Been officially become Jakartan since early of this year, i can't help but wondering: penting banget gadget lo?

Been using mass transportation for i haven't bring any transportation mode yet, i notice that even when they are inside TransJakarta or i will say, bus, in a condition that i can't bear for more than an hour, they still manage to put their gadget in hands and operate it. No such critical or emergency condition. Just checking Path or playing games or chatting or even for the simplest use of gadget: listening music. I just don't get it. They are not sitting down. We usually standing in rush hours inside the bus. So very close one another you can smell the sweat of people standing next to you. Blah.

Don't they fear robbery? Or their gadget may fall while they step into the bus? I guess Jakartans are so brave.

One for sure, if you still be able to put your gadget in your hands, your space in that bus is not full enough. You still easily move. So move your hands off and give another passenger space.