Today July 8,2012. Yesterday was July 7,2012 we celebrated our togetherness for five years and tomorrow July 9,2012 we will celebrate our first anniversary of marriage. Hihihihi.
It was all started with our friendship in STAN. We were classmate when we were junior. With others we had a close friendship. We separated on sophomore but we still be bestfriend. At July 7,2007 you asked me to be your girlfriend. I said let's gave it a try.
I could still remember that night. Half an hour to midnight. On a saturday night. After watched accoustic in Plasma. Oh yes you were wearing that brown shirt that last week i told you to put it off. Hahaha. Funny i could remember that.
We celebrated our first anniversary in Dufan all day long. We graduated and met our parents in JCC. We handled that long distance relationship until we got ourselves moved to Balikpapan and Bontang. And after our third anniversary we planned to get married.
That was a long road. At our fourth anniversary July 7,2011 we were sat together practiced our wedding rehearsal. Hahahaha. On the next day,that was a year ago, we had siraman and midodareni. That was a long road.
I never know that you would be my husband. I never know that you would be my boyfriend at first place either. This was God's plan. Never been a coincidence. I never know what future wait for us ahead. But for sure that will always be our best.
Happy anniversary, dear Helmi Zus Rizal.
I love you.
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