Almost five years from that days and i still can remember those moments, those greatest feelings. Excitement. I'm far from professional, found that would be interesting back then. Pendakian Umum Stapala 2007. Enrolled weeks before with one of my girl, Eka.
July 13-15, 2007. We departed from campus at July 13 night. My then-boyfriend-now-husband accompanied me until the truck brought us to Cibodas. Btw, at that time we're dating for 6 days. Hahaha. I and Eka on tenth team if i'm not mistaken, with 8 other guys. I can hardly remember their names. So sorry.
Okay i'll try. Ten of us. Eka, Mas Harvi, Mas Iqram, Bongkrek, a junior wore big coat :D, a senior from Bea Cukai taking a lot pictures of us -some photos here taken from his camera-, Mas Nasri ( or Natsir? ), and two other guys. Aaahhhh i'm so sorry can't remember them well now.
That experience surely my biggest achievement. Hey i was climbing a mountain. Hahaha. We walked at night in super cold temperature. We mustn't sleep to prevent hypotermia. We took rest for several times. We crossed a hot water river or things like that. Hihihi. We had breakfast together. I still can visualized the place in my mind now.
At noon we reached the top of Gunung Gede. It felt, "wow!". Speechless. Yes i know everyone can climb Gunung Gede for it's a national park, but having the idea i'm on the top of it still amusing. Hahahaha. Then we went down to Alun-Alun Surya Kencana. Edelweiss's land.
We set a tent there. Spent the night. Oh yeah the temperature still biting but i didn't remember anything. Guess i slept very well that night :). In the morning we took a lot of picture near edelweiss. Such a beautiful place. You can't get that close to that flower before climbed a mountain. For sure, because we were prohibited to bring edelweiss.
Then we went down, through the paths we used to went up. Taking pictures. Rested on a small river and went to a waterfall. We made to Cibodas at night and arrived in campus at midnight. My cellphone were dead so my boyfriend couldn't picked me up. Hahaha. He wanted to picked me up when i arrived. Ah such memories.
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