Friday, April 30, 2010

Defying Gravity

A song from Glee.
it's about becoming better, whatever people say, they can't bring you down.
presented by Rachel and Kurt.
personally, i prefer Kurt's version, he has an amazing voice. Sounds like girl's voice but i do like him better than Rachel cause i think Rachel is too ambitious and wanna steal the spotlight.

according to someone's quote:
"i don't think someone can listen this song until end without feel empowered."

so this song is perfect for my mood booster, especially in the morning. :)

let's sing it together!!!!

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I’m through with playing by the rules
Of someone else’s game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It’s time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It’s time to try
Defying gravity
I think I’ll try
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I am defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!

I’m through accepting limits
’cause someone says they’re so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I’ll never know!
Too long I’ve been afraid of
Losing love I guess I’ve lost
Well, if that’s love
It comes at much too high a cost!

I’d sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I’m defying gravity
I think I’ll try
Defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!

I’d sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I’m defying gravity
I think I’ll try
Defying gravity
And never bring me down!
bring me down!
ohh ohhh ohhhh!


what i wore yesterday

today's post is about what i wore yesterday, Thursday,April29, 2010.
okay,i know it may sounds funny,hahahha
i'm inspired by so many fashion blogs so i just want to put one here. :)

Friday, April 23, 2010


Speaking about songs i heard lately,,
i found this song very beautiful. it"s Avril Lavigne's Innocence,derived from her album The Best Damn Thing. Okay, it's been too late for me. The album was released in 2007 and i just found this song lately. *sigh*

it's so beautiful that i want to make this song as the soundtrack of my life. i mean,i wanna put this song on when i do my "Ijab Kabul", hehehe.
Here's the video,,

so this is the lyric:

"Waking up I see that everything is okay
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great

I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay about
This moment is perfect, please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere

I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful, it makes you wanna cry

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful, it makes you wanna cry
It's so beautiful, it makes you want to cry

This innocence is brilliant, it makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliant, please don't go away
'Cause I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

This innocence is brilliant, it's so beautiful, it's so beautiful
This moment is perfect, please don't go away
I need you now, it makes me want to cry
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by"


PS: this is the first time i upload a video,,hope it succeed,heheheh

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Oh,hai I'm posting again :)

It's already midnight here but I just can't sleep because I watched the Glee series before.
You know,the thing that article tells u not to keep your eyes on the computer and things like that because it will make u feel hard to sleep. Yeah it's happening to me now,since yesterday. I watched these Glee and I know that I love the story.

It's edgy,crunchy and light,,even lighter than Gossip Girl,but I love its musics. The new arrangement for the songs and so on is so cool. But yes,I think the conflict isn't that deep. Yet. I've watched 6 episodes till now,can't wait to catch the end.

My favorite characters?
William Shuester (oh,how to spell his name,anyway?) and Quinn Fabray.
Of course everybody have their own part and a deep character but still,the show-stealer is Mr Shue. He's is hot,right? Hahaha
He looks like Justin Timberlake when he sings and dances. It doesn't mean I heart Justin Timberlake,but,you know,that's a compliment.
And Quinn Fabray? She's just soo beautiful,you see her eyelashes? Wow!! I heard she played a solo in the story and it became single in the real world. Wow (again!).

Overall,I hope I have StarWorld as my tv channel cause it has gone for couple of months. I wish I could watch the next season. Huhuhu -_-"
One more,why there's no Gossip Girl fans club outta here? Glee has Gleekindonesia that shares links for its new episodes. I'm wondering where all the Gossip Girl fans are?
That's my favorite tv series afterall,season 3 almost over and I stuck in episode 12. Huhuhu.

Well,enough for this midnight.
I hope the dawn won't breaking soon.
See you. :)

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Pentingnya sekolah!!

Halo,gw datang lagi,,gemes ngliat fenomena yg ada di masyarakat saat ini. Untung post kali ini,gw pakai bahasa indonesia saja ya,agak berapi-api jadi kayaknya susah bwt di translate,hahaha

Here we go,,
Satu hal yg bikin gw gemes sama orang-orang,,tingkat pendidikan.
In my opinion,manusia dinilai orang dari bagaimana dia bicara dan bersikap. Semua itu dipengaruhi latar belakang keluarga,pendidikan,lingkungan sekitar-termasuk teman sepergaulan. Disini gw bakal ngomong tentang pendidikan karena kita gak bisa menentukan didikan orangtua dan memilihkan teman. But u can choose ur kind of education.

Orang yg tingkat pendidikannya cukup,bisa dikasih tahu,bisa dikasih pengertian. Sebaliknya kalo sekolah seadanya,ya bakalan susah dibilangin. Ini nih yg bikin jengkel.
I'm not talking about the reason why u didn't go or finish ur school.
Contoh gampang masyarakat Indonesia gampang banget kemakan mistik. Kenapa? Karena tidak teredukasi dengan baik.
Ada hal aneh dikit langsung ngerasa ajaib dan sakti dan mistis. Sebuah contoh,barusan gw nonton tv dan di berita,di Lumajang ada batu seberat 5 kg yg kalo dimasukkan ke air tu batu ngambang. Pemilik batu dgn pede memamerkan batu itu d depan rumah,ditaro di akuarium. Sukses membuat masyarakat merasa itu hal yg ajaib. Sementara ketika dikonfirmasi ke ahli,itu hal yg ilmiah.
Batu yg terbentuk dr letusan gunung berapi sehingga tercipta rongga2 kecil di dalam batu. FYI,itu bukan batu apung,tapi emang berongga-rongga.
Betapa gampang sekali mengkaitkan hal yg dianggap aneh sbg hal yg mistik.
Contoh lain?
Anak kambing berkepala dua,,atau anak kambing berkaki tiga,,atau ayam yg sudah hampir putus kepalanya tp masih hidup.

Cerita menggelikan lain.
Ada sebuah bandara kecil di Tangerang yg biasa dipakai latihan terbang sebuah sekolah penerbangan. Bandara itu gak steril. Kenapa?
Karena warga sekitar gak mengindahkan peraturan bwt jgn dekat2 landasan. Pengelola sudah memasang pagar berkeliling tapi dijebol warga.
Pengelola sudah membuat parit yang dalam sebagai pembatas tapi ditimbun tanah oleh warga sehingga bisa dipakai sbg jalan bwt masuk ke landasan bandara itu.
Ketika udah ada kejadian 2 warga jadi korban dalam kecelakaan kemarin,siapa yg mau disalahin?
Bahkan 2 pilot juga jadi korban,keduanya dalam kondisi kritis dan salah satunya harus diamputasi kakinya.
Ketika hal-hal seperti ini terjadi,seharusnya timbul kesadaran. Mungkin memang bukan suatu keinginan untuk meninggalkan atau bahkan tidak sekolah,tapi bukan berarti pemikiran dan tindakan mercerminkan "ketidak-sekolahan" itu.

Serius deh,kalo ada orang yg bertindak sangat kampungan,gw pasti langsung ngecap orang itu "pasti gak sekolah".
Dan akhirnya,saya berharap sekolah gratis bisa mencapai seluruh pelosok wilayah Indonesia,,wajib belajar jangan hanya sembilan tahun tapi sekaligus 12 tahun.
Mungkin agak tidak mungkin,tapi kenapa tidak? Jaman sekarang,cari kerja buat lulusan SMA aja susah,apalagi buat lulusan SMP. Semoga pendidikan diiringi dengan tindakan yang beradab. Tindakan yang mengedepankan "berpikir sebelum bertindak".
Demikian uneg-uneg saya.
Terimakasih :)
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Monday, April 19, 2010

Me,Myself,and I-1.0

Hello,it's been a long long time since I posted my last writing.
One big reason is because I sent my modem home,so I don't have any internet connection except from office and my blackberry,hahaha,,
To start this April post,I would like to write everything about me. This part wouldn't finish just by one post,maybe I'll post again as I found something that "so-me". And also,pardon my english.
I'm trying to use english more often,hihihi,
Well then,this is it:
- I'm tall,it's 173 cms last time I checked,,skinny but I have chubby cheeks *sigh
- I only have 1 brother,he's 4 years younger than me,,in fact,he's taller than me (and has bigger body). I think it's genetic. Hahaha. So many girls envy me.
- I hate when people refuse to stand/walk beside me. Just for a silly reason: they don't want to look shorter. So what? Is that my fault?
- I am into fashion. If I'm not wearing hijab,maybe I'll walk just in tanktop and leopard legging,or even worse: put my highheels on,too. People would just kill me because they'll look so much shorter,hahaha.
- black,grey,silver: my favourite colors.
- I love movies. The only obstacle is the nearest movie theatre from my place do not update its movies regularly.
- my favorite animes ever: Inuyasha and Crayon Shinchan.
Eumm,my boyfriend just text me,and because I write this from blackberry,I think it's enough for this time. See ya. :)
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